Love and connection is our natural state – conflict and separation the aberration. And the love and connection is within each and every one of us. When we clear the …
Love and Connection
Let go and Live
‘Let go and fully live’ When we keep letting go of all that ties us and binds us to the illusion that we’re not the creators That we are not …
I am where I am and it’s okay
The day dawn’s sunny bright again, our September summer stretching on, and the ease of leaving home at 7am in a pair of running shorts all set to run Parkrun, …
All is One and one are All
We are all connected… We are all in relationship with one another at all times… And it really is true that what we do unto another, we do to ourselves… …
One step after the other
I love running on a treadmill, running running and going nowhere at all. I love the rhythm of the run, the one step after the other, the miles clocking up …
The King’s Head Canter
Bank Holiday Monday dawned with properly bank holiday weather as we left London to drive to East Hoathly. I was on my way to take part in celebrating the 25th …
Running to my own ‘Ithaka’
Running about is all I have ever done really… Running about through different lands, on the land.Feeling the sun on my body, the wind, the rain, the hail, the snow; …
The Running Path of Life
The sea was sparkly blue green turquoise, the sun was shining brightly yellow gold high in the sky; And I was in the UK! Running along Hastings seafront towards the …
Parkrun pals
I journeyed through London, under ground, with many others And then climbed up the stairs – as they moved along too – up and out into Waterloo station. So familiar, …
Running in the rain
I wouldn’t describe myself as an ‘outdoor type’! I love running, and I love seeing how fast I can run…And I love executing the training necessary to do this… So …